Pack food with OOH

Description OOH is seeking volunteers, interested in jpacking bags of food for individuals and families working in the food pantry. Volunteers are asked to dress comfortably, wear closed toed shoes and not have skin showing. Please note that OOH has required all volunteer agencies to provide PPE equipment as well as practice social distancing measures…

Volunteer with OOH

Description Volunteering with OOH can take many forms, but most of their volunteers serve as OOH Family Members, and their activities can include nearly everything you might expect a family would do together. Family Members work directly with OOH student(s) and other volunteers to form an extended network of care and support around our students…

Become a Career Mentor with The Associated Black Charities

Description The Associated Black Charities’ Volunteer Career Mentoring Program is designed to meet the needs of low to middle wage workers of color who have a strong desire for career advancement but currently lack the career advancement skills that would ensure their upward mobility. The program design includes 6-career development and mentoring sessions, structured over…