Contribution/ Member Spotlight

Good Day HopeYA Members! We hope to get to know our members better. We have started adding a Member’s Spotlight Section to our Newsletter, which will go out to the community. This will have a video, a picture, and a written statement highlighting each member monthly. We ask all members to please send a picture and…

Comparison of High-Dose vs Lower Dose Naloxone

Good Afternoon Harm Reductionists, Please see the linked drop-in session open to individuals working in the field of addiction. This month, authors Emily R. Payne, Sharon Stancliff, and Michael W. Dailey to discuss “Comparison of Administration of 8-Milligram and 4-Milligram Intranasal Naloxone by Law Enforcement During Response to Suspected Opioid Overdose. Click here for the open access article.…