Youth Advisory Board Applications Available NOW! Applications for the 2024-2025 YPRC Youth Advisory Board (YAB) are available NOW! YAB members play an active role in developing resources and identifying solutions to the issues facing their peers.
They undergo training and have opportunities to speak with and to various stakeholders that impact our shared work. We will be looking for applicants from each of the 5 IDHS regions across the state. Take a look at the roles and responsibilities of the YAB below. If you know a youth that would be a good fit for the board, please share the application with them. The deadline to apply is March 31, 2024.
Please contact us with any questions you may have. YAB Member Role and Expectations Term will begin on June 1, 2024, and end on May 31, 2025. Attend an in-person, 2-day orientation and training retreat in Chicago on June 28-30. Attend and actively participate in at least 8 of the 11 monthly YAB virtual meetings. (75%) Assist and advise the YPRC team in the development of new resources and program elements, as needed. Advocate for healthy communities and serve as role models for those in your schools and communities.
Partner with other programs at Prevention First, as needed. As a YAB member, the main responsibility will be to remain engaged with and responsive to fellow YAB members and the YPRC team between our monthly meetings.
Greetings, Youth Alliance Members!
Please find HopeYA Newsletter #8. We have included recordings from our March monthly meeting, key accomplishments, and information on Social Media Engagement.
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